My Recent Party Planning-Pamper the Mommy Baby Shower
When I realized that I had 3 friends who were pregnant at the same time...
i knew that a joint baby shower extravaganza was a must!! ;)
i knew that a joint baby shower extravaganza was a must!! ;)
I wanted to celebrate these mamas and our friendship.
It was a blast planning all of the details and putting it all together.
I love a party. and any excuse to use my fun Printables. :)
This party is all about the mamas.. i have been pregnant twice...
and I think a little pampering will always be appreciated when you are pregnant!
'Pamper the Mommy'
Baby Shower Theme
I loaded this party with DIY details and budget friendly purchases
that you can easily duplicate and incorporate into your party!
I love seeing what other people do to create their parties and i LOVE
when there are links/lists of items.
so i have plenty for you to check out below!
**All Photography is a mix of mine and Christine's shots from the day**
Each mama invited a group of her closest women to
join her at the shower...her mom, mother-in-law, sister, best friend, aunts etc.
It was really fun getting all of them together!
Here's the invitation I made up for the event:

A Mini Cupcake Station
Each guest was able to snack on the sweets throughout the party..
and because they are mini you don't feel bad loading up your plate. ;)
I created fun "I heart mommies" & "I heart babies" cupcake toppers
to sprinkle throughout the mini cupcakes!

-I used ikea storage boxes from our family room and covered other regular boxes from around the house with paper.. to give the table some height.
(I used the huge roll from walmart for $6..i have tons left)
-All the dishes are from my house..favorite pieces of mine from pottery barn & tjmaxx)

I used 50 cent tins from Walmart for the guests to load up with mini cupcakes as a favor.
I created little labels to personalize the tins...
"Help yourself to a treat or a few
& join our mamas in eating for two!"
It was a blast planning all of the details and putting it all together.
I love a party. and any excuse to use my fun Printables. :)
This party is all about the mamas.. i have been pregnant twice...
and I think a little pampering will always be appreciated when you are pregnant!
'Pamper the Mommy'
Baby Shower Theme
I loaded this party with DIY details and budget friendly purchases
that you can easily duplicate and incorporate into your party!
I love seeing what other people do to create their parties and i LOVE
when there are links/lists of items.
so i have plenty for you to check out below!
**All Photography is a mix of mine and Christine's shots from the day**
Each mama invited a group of her closest women to
join her at the shower...her mom, mother-in-law, sister, best friend, aunts etc.
It was really fun getting all of them together!
Here's the invitation I made up for the event:
A Mini Cupcake Station
Each guest was able to snack on the sweets throughout the party..
and because they are mini you don't feel bad loading up your plate. ;)
I created fun "I heart mommies" & "I heart babies" cupcake toppers
to sprinkle throughout the mini cupcakes!
-I used ikea storage boxes from our family room and covered other regular boxes from around the house with paper.. to give the table some height.
(I used the huge roll from walmart for $6..i have tons left)
-All the dishes are from my house..favorite pieces of mine from pottery barn & tjmaxx)
I used 50 cent tins from Walmart for the guests to load up with mini cupcakes as a favor.
I created little labels to personalize the tins...
"Help yourself to a treat or a few
& join our mamas in eating for two!"
I am sooo excited about the new patterns
I just added this item to my shop! - Full Page Pattern Sheets
Choose your favorite Patterns & Colors!
I created them in photoshop and printed them out..folded them up..
and created various sizes of pinwheels.
A simple, affordable and easy way to cover a large wall space.
I'll be adding the tutorial for this project and more soon!
I wanted to make more...that was the plan...
but my 8 month old decided to learn how to crawl that week. ;)
I also used white craft paper from joann's and dollar store packaging paper.

Bath Bomb Bar- I'm all about having
interactive activities during a party.. and I loved how this one turned out!
Krystal of Green Bubble Gorgeous put together a gorgeous bath bomb bar for the girls!
She showed each of them how to create their very own natural and organic bath bomb..
They got to choose the ingredients and the mold they wanted.
I made up tented cards to show her descriptions of the pretty mix ins!
Mix ins:
Lavender Buds- calming, relaxing, headache relief
Rose Buds- Romantic
Calendula Petals- Skin soothing, reduce Redness and irritation
Sweet Almond Oil- Extra moisturizing
Jojoba Oil- Extra moisturizing
Pink Himalayan Salt: Improves Circulation, Rids the body of toxins, mineralizing
Milk Powder- for a silky bath

Mommy Craving Station
I had asked each of the girls what kind of cravings they were having..
I figured if this was a party all about them..
lets give these girls stuff they want!
I am still having cravings..i think you crave more
particular items when you nurse than when you are pregnant.
it was funny seeing how some of their cravings were the same..classic preggo food.

and icecream.

I have the most AMAZING punch recipe that you HAVE to try.
I have used it a few times and It always goes fast!
It's just 2 liters of 7UP and 2 tubs of rasberry sherbert (so just equal parts!)
I threw in some lemons, oranges and grapefruit slices
to make it pretty.. but it made it taste even better!
And I was so happy to have a pretty drink to put my
striped paper straws in from shop sweet lulu. so cute right??

Prize & Gift Table - The party was a diaper shower...
perfect for a joint baby shower!
Krystal of Green Bubble Gorgeous put together a gorgeous bath bomb bar for the girls!
She showed each of them how to create their very own natural and organic bath bomb..
They got to choose the ingredients and the mold they wanted.
I made up tented cards to show her descriptions of the pretty mix ins!
Mix ins:
Lavender Buds- calming, relaxing, headache relief
Rose Buds- Romantic
Calendula Petals- Skin soothing, reduce Redness and irritation
Sweet Almond Oil- Extra moisturizing
Jojoba Oil- Extra moisturizing
Pink Himalayan Salt: Improves Circulation, Rids the body of toxins, mineralizing
Milk Powder- for a silky bath

Mommy Craving Station
I had asked each of the girls what kind of cravings they were having..
I figured if this was a party all about them..
lets give these girls stuff they want!
I am still having cravings..i think you crave more
particular items when you nurse than when you are pregnant.
it was funny seeing how some of their cravings were the same..classic preggo food.
and icecream.
I have used it a few times and It always goes fast!
It's just 2 liters of 7UP and 2 tubs of rasberry sherbert (so just equal parts!)
I threw in some lemons, oranges and grapefruit slices
to make it pretty.. but it made it taste even better!
And I was so happy to have a pretty drink to put my
striped paper straws in from shop sweet lulu. so cute right??
Prize & Gift Table - The party was a diaper shower...
perfect for a joint baby shower!
I put together a Baby Jeopardy Game because a Baby shower isn't
a baby shower without some cut-throat-super-intense-games!!
FREE: download the Baby Jeopardy Game printables Here!

a baby shower without some cut-throat-super-intense-games!!
FREE: download the Baby Jeopardy Game printables Here!
The girls were seated by teams...playing for their mamas!
When they wanted to answer a trivia question they blew their
whistles(dollar store) was hilarious. I had a horn that i tooted when they were wrong.
I think i was meant to be a game show host................
I had some FABULOUS vendors
gift the mamas with items.
I was amazed by the generosity of these businesses!
During the Baby Jeopardy Game...certain point values were designated for the mama to have a Shopping Spree! So whenever a certain mama's team would pick one.. I would shout "Go Shopping!" and everyone would clap..haha. They had some great goodies to choose from!
gift the mamas with items.
I was amazed by the generosity of these businesses!
During the Baby Jeopardy Game...certain point values were designated for the mama to have a Shopping Spree! So whenever a certain mama's team would pick one.. I would shout "Go Shopping!" and everyone would clap..haha. They had some great goodies to choose from!
these hats were made by my mom! i'll be adding them to my etsy shop soon..
aren't they adorable?? there are a limited amount
so message me if you are interested.
aren't they adorable?? there are a limited amount
so message me if you are interested.
All the girls walked away with a bunch of fun items!
thank you, thank you to the vendors who contributed!
everyone should check these girls out....they are fantastic, creative women who
I am SO proud to have been able to collaborate with!
Eager Hands - Necklace
Jilsy Designs - Tote
Una Biologicals - Mama Must Haves
In Honor of Design - Necklace
Elliven - Skinny Clutch
Blanqi - Tote Bag
Ahmelie - Burp Clothe Set
(Ahmelie Discount Code:THEPRETTY10 - She's gifting all of you with 10% off total purchase!!)
Here 4U Boutique - Diaper Case, Pacifier Clip, Bib
Covers by Kye - Nursing Cover
I made mini pinwheels and attached circle labels that had their names on them
(and their relationship to the mamas) with clothespins attached on the back.
I'll be adding the tutorial soon!
I used a picture frame/dish holder to clip them to.
I created a mini diaper cake with the newborn diapers I had leftover from sienna.
the perfect size to use on my cute little stand ($5.99 at TJ Max)
I'll post a tutorial soon on how it came together. super easy and fun!
(and their relationship to the mamas) with clothespins attached on the back.
I'll be adding the tutorial soon!
I used a picture frame/dish holder to clip them to.
I created a mini diaper cake with the newborn diapers I had leftover from sienna.
the perfect size to use on my cute little stand ($5.99 at TJ Max)
I'll post a tutorial soon on how it came together. super easy and fun!
And because I wanted to give prizes to the other guests as well...
I sprinkled along the tables as decor paper circles aka cupcake toppers that they wrote their names on when they answered a question correctly...At the end I pulled names out randomly and they got to go over and grab a goodie from a basket I put together!
I am sooo thankful for my new friend Krystal who I met at an "I Made it! Market" event
(we had booths across from each other) and we immediately clicked
and started planning how we could team up together!
She was such a help in the set up and used her chef skills to help with the cupcake decorating and the flower arranging. I remember looking over and seeing her cut lemons into flowers and was like ok.....seriously?? ur awesome. haha.
(we had booths across from each other) and we immediately clicked
and started planning how we could team up together!
She was such a help in the set up and used her chef skills to help with the cupcake decorating and the flower arranging. I remember looking over and seeing her cut lemons into flowers and was like ok.....seriously?? ur awesome. haha.
Love you girls! Thank you so much for letting me throw you this shower...
Wishing you a blessed rest of your pregnancy!
we can't wait to meet your babies!!
Mini Cupcake Station Menu
Carrot Cake Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
Strawberry Short Shortcake
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Brownie Cupcake with Chocolate Frosting
Vanilla Cupcake with Chocolate Frosting
Triple Chocolate Fudge Cupcake with Buttercream Frosting
Triple Chocolate Fudge Cupcake with Chocolate Frosting
Items I Already Had and Re-used!:
Frames, Ikea Boxes, Green Ikea Napkins, Vases,
Linens(gifted from abbey! thanks girl!), small ikea frame, white tin tub, Pitchers, Glasses, Cake Mixes & Frosting (from coupons),
Party Supplies
Dollar Store:
Whistles($1), Brown Packaging Paper ($1 small roll)
Yellow Paper Plates, Packaging Paper (large roll $6) Ice Cream Tubs, Oreos, Pickle Jar, Chocolate Milk, Drink Dispenser ($16), Foil Tins (3 pack for $1.50)
Canopy ($19 soo excited to use this summer and for other parties! sophie loved it.)
Garden Ridge:
Scrap of Green Fabric
Shop Sweet Lulu
Striped Straws ($4)
Ice cream spoons ($3)
Pretty Paperie Printables
I created the following printables for the party!
Cupcake Toppers,
Baby Jeopardy Game,
Tented Cards- Used for Place cards & Menu/Ingredient Labels
Table Number Cards- Used as Team Cards
Favor Tin Labels
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