My Brother-In-Law's Ministry...Dirty Vagabond
was started by my husband's brother, Bob.
Dirty Vagabond Ministries has done some amazing things in the lives of inner city kids.
I've been able to see it first hand... in the times the kids have joined in at bob's house for family holiday celebrations, on Retreats or when they join Bob at Church..
Here's a video they put together explaining their ministry
My hubby ben is running the relay in the pittsburgh marathon
this weekend in support of this ministry..
this weekend in support of this ministry..
here's a note he e-mailed out to friends and family.
And since I consider all of you bloggy friends, I thought I would pass it along!!
"I am running the relay in the pittsburgh marathon this weekend as a fundraiser for Dirty Vagabond Ministries ( a non profit ministry my brother Bob started for inner city teens) Check out this youtube video to see the good work they are doing . Im asking if all of you can make a donation of at least $10. I know money is tight with everyone but im just asking you give up eating out this week. The money goes to helping all of the inner city kids in the program go on various retreats throughout the year. Here is the link you can use a credit card. Thanks for your help. "
-Ben (my cute husband. ;)
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