Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our Favorite Kid Apps!

This Christmas we got the girls an iPad(craigslist) and a iGuy case(ebay)...
and loaded it with games for Christmas morning!
I've been getting a lot of comments via facebook and
instagram for a list of apps that we use.
So below is a screen shot of all our games and a list of the favorites.
We also put on some music.. Most played is Taylor Swift and
some of their favorite songs they hear on KLOVE!

They are pretty good about sharing it.
 And I love seeing them snuggle up on the couch and play together. :)
It is a big help when they can play on it quietly while
I take care of Micah or do house/cooking stuff.
Below sophie is playing one of their favorite games...Play123
Some of their favorites are:
Easy Bake, Play123, PBS Kids,
KidsDoodle, KaleidoFree,
PirateSchool and Bible Heroes!

The iGuy case is awesome.
It can sit upright which is
great when they put on a show or music.

Would love to hear your kids' favorites!


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