Sunday, June 23, 2013

iPad App Love- English POP - VLOG

I'm a big fan of our iPAD. The girls got one from santa this past year...
and it has been a lifesaver! They love to play games together on it..or put on music and have a dance party. I sometimes let sophia play on it during her "quiet time" while sienna naps.
And it has made making dinner a possibility some nights
when I didn't think anything but pb&j's were a possibility.
I've posted about my girls' Favorite iPAD Apps Before...
And I'm excited to add English POPS to the list!
CJ EDUCATIONS, creator of English POPS, saw my girls playing another game they created (Play123) and got in touch with me to see if the girls would like to try out a new app that they just created! It's not available yet..but will be soon! I'll keep you posted on the details because my girls LOVED it.
Here's a video sharing more on the English POP App!

The graphics in the app are so cute! and the music is fun and playful.
There is a series of interactive stories available to download.
Their favorite was the Polar Bear learning to say thank you.. the Hippos saying excuse me.
The ones we tried out all seemed related to manners and learning important words/phrases.

There is a I loved how the words pop up that are being read...
and it's very interactive. It can auto read..or you can record yourself reading the parts!
She had fun making the monkey character tell the story with her voice. :)

What are some of your favorite apps??
This has been the go to one when I let them play on their iPAD.
And our 8 hour car ride monday to grandma and grandpa's is going to be a lot smoother with this new app. I might have packed oreos as bribery as well. ;)

Thanks CJ EDUCATIONS for letting us try out the app early!
Can't wait to hear when it hits itunes!


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