Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Life with a 2 yr old & Trick or Treating 2010

Sophia never ceases to amaze us.....she is seriously rocking the terrible two's but at the same time she is a complete sweetheart! 
I guess we get the best of both worlds with her. :) 

Ben has a motorcycle...and i was telling her in the car one day that mama didn't like it..that it's dangerous. and obviously daddy got to her first on this subject..because she very adamantly told me "nooo it's cute!" over and over and over again. i couldn't win. haha.

She says full sentences now allll the time. the first time she did it we were like ohh so cute. but now those full sentences are her telling us what is up haha. for the most part we try and not laugh when she is bossing us around because i'm guessinggg that it's not a good idea to respond with a smile haha. 
trying to nip that in the bud asap.

sienna got her shots yesterday..and it was brutal. she was not a happy girl. sophia never responded like that. but sophie could tell i was stressing..and she kept saying "its ok's alright...." that is the exact phrasing i always say to sienna when she is crying haha. she picks up on everything. 
she even says it like i do!

Sophia isn't a fan of the lettuce.....but i told her the other day that it's what bunnies eat i'ts bunny food! and with hopped around a bit..(i have no shame) and now she can't get enough of it! mama wins!

Been loving Little Einstein's lately..her favorite show. one episode gives me a break of intercepting sophie trying to sit on sienna in her swing..or feed her crackers. i'll take a break any way i can get.

i LOVE being a mom of definitly has it's challenges. and i'm still getting used to being a stay at home mom/work from home mom... it is a bit tricky at times. But i'm learning more each day how to balance it all. I think i'm learning to not give msyelf such high expectations..and to be more positive about what i am actually able to get done and not focus on what i'm notttt getting done. 

We had a great night of trick or treating!
I wish that i could have done creative home made costumes this year but it just wasn't happening with moving/newborn/rebranding myself going on. it was a miracle they got in costumes at all! 
it was soo cold but we layered them up!

we reused our monkey costume for sienna this year, we got that for 10 bucks at target the day of halloween when sophia was little. i love hand-me-downs. :)

Here's some shots from our fun that night!.....
getting ready...i painted sophie's nails pink and she LOVED it. 
met up with some friends for trick or treating!  
aren't they cute?! sophia was in awe of their costumes hehe.
the girls ran all over together! it was so cute.
me and my lil monkey. :) we ended the night at another friend's house! 
FAVORITE SHOTS. (sophie trying to feed sienna the banana..haha.) 
Finally headed home and had snuggle time with sienna while looking over sophie's stash! hehe.


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