Saturday, November 27, 2010

Photo/Video Recap & What I'm doing with my leftover turkey.

Hope you all had a great day! My parents were in town along with my little brother (the rest of the fam was back home in atlanta!) We also had an old family friend join us. he's engaged to an amazing photographer. click here to check her out!  (gotta love tiny plugs. hehe.)

started the day with church to thank God for all of our blessings! 
sophia was a big fan of the icing on the donuts after mass.

My mom and i happily slaved away in the kitchen while the boys watched football, played madden, and took care of the babies. their multi-tasking was very impressive.

after dinner we played an intense cut-throat game of monopoly with trash talking in full swing. 
ahh traditions. love em.

how we all felt after dinner. (note the steelers onesie.)

sienna also decided that she was going to roll over..and over..and over... 
no stopping this baby now! she is ready to play with her sister! 

and because they are so stinkin cute here's a couple more videos from the week...
ok......a few more than a few but i couldn't pick just one! ;)

a recipe for all your leftover turkey!

this is what i'm making for lunch later this week.... mmm. yummy.
recipe via the delicious Cordon Pink


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