Monday, May 13, 2013

I was that crazy lady in Walmart today +Free Gifting Printable

I was going to write this blog post...
about my crazy day.

About how I took a trip to walmart because we had NO diapers.. and NO Toilet Paper.
It was a must trip. So I loaded up all three kiddos by myself and headed there.
only to end up being a shoppers' attraction with both girls in the cart, micah strapped to me, racing through the aisles to the bathroom because
sophie was screaming in pain from her stomach hurting and dry heaving
(she is super sensitive and was gagging from her tummy hurting. insane. I know)
I thought she wasn't going to make it and throw up all over the walmart floor...
so we ran for one of those recycle box/trash can things. yup. classy.
when I thought she looked better and wasn't going to throw up,
we made our dash to the bathroom....alllllll while the
LONG line of people for returns stared on horrified.
 LOVE hanging out in a public bathroom with 3 kids. it's super fun and not gross at all.
Plus loud automatic toilets are known to be LOVED by small babies.........not.
Poor thing though.. as soon as I got sophie to feel a little better we grabbed the toilet paper/diapers and she started sobbing again.. race to the bathroom!! AGAIN.
We finally ended up checking out. and if one more person told me I
had my hands full I was going to flip. flip or cry. one or the other. haha.

And what do you do when you have new toilet paper in the house....
Play with it of course!!
Later came across this and realized a certain toddler
was trying to cover her tracks..... ::cough:: sienna ::cough::

I was going to write this blog post about how some days
I feel like I'm running in circles..
Sophia came up to me wanting me to check out her hair
"I'm making it not crazy"..................
She thought it was my hair product that I put in my hair to smooth it out.
my face wash.
Oh and Micah was rocking a hand me down christmas outfit because it
was the first thing I saw that he fit in. grabbed it. he didn't leave the house like this..
I don't want to look tooooo crazy out in public.

But tonight, while snuggling with sienna before bed,
I started thinking how I don't want to post just about how hard my day was.
Of course I want moms to see that we all have hard days...
I want my readers to leave my blog relating to me..but also feeling uplifted!
I kept thinking about when someone dropped off this gift basket for us when we moved I seriously wanted to cry I was so thankful for their kindness.
I feel a connection with you as my readers...
and I wish so badly we could all just do one big play date! ;)
That we could drop off meals for each other when we knew someone was having a hard day.
I kept thinking how important community is as moms.
It made me want to reach out more to my mom friends...
to not just think about my hard days, but to think about them and lift them up!

If you feel like me... and want to celebrate motherhood
and lift up your fellow mamas...
I just made up this printable for you to download and use when dropping
off something to show you care!
I asked on my blog's facebook page:
"If a fellow mama did something to show she cared,
by dropping something off,..what would you be SO HAPPY to receive?"
read what other mamas said and leave your choice!)


I'm also offering, by request of a blog reader via facebook, the same design but
with my blog and 'celebrate motherhood' tiny at the bottom of each tag!
Would love for you to share our little community with other moms.
Maybe it'll be the connection that mom needs to feel a boost!
DOWNLOAD that version HERE

AND, since a lot of my readers say Mum instead of Mom..
I made up a british version as well. :)
Download the MUM Printable HERE.
and the MUM Printable with my Blog HERE.

Motherhood is hard...
and so very beautiful.


Please Pin, Tweet and Share the printable!
We all need to bless our fellow mamas more.
We know how some days are hard..and we aren't alone in
feeling 'happily' exhausted while taking care of our sweet babies.
So let's reach out and love on each other a little more!
I would seriously cry if someone dropped off a case of diet dr. pepper at my door.
That's all it would take! haha.
sophie update: she feels better! an hour after we got home she was back
to her normal self. must have been gas bubbles. poor little thing.


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