Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Introducing..... Sienna Goretti.

Ok are you ready for picture overload?!? i just can't help myself. we are so overflowing with joy right now!  We are so excited to share with everyone our newest bundle of joy!! 

My Labor Story

The doctor told us to leave our house to get things rolling at 10:30… we were a tad anxious and arriveddd there at 10:30. ben insisted i wear the socks.....haha. and ben being completely giddy was making faces.. this is his nervous "we're about to have a baby!!!" face.
They had me hooked up by me an antibiotic I needed and they wanted me to have before the baby arrived. They gave me petocin to try and regulate/get closer my  8 minute apart contractions. Pretty much immediately I went to 2-4 minute contractions. Intensifying in pain. I tried to be a big girl and last as long as possible before I got my epidural so that it wouldn’t spread them a part. I received that at 1:25am.  They checked me when I first got there and I was still 3 cm dilated but now 90 percent effaced (80 percent the day before).  
i did my makeup..because i'm silly like that. ben had to capture the moment...
(we were about to be making memories people!! gotta look glam!)

An hour after having my epidural I started feeling strong pressure down low that made me cringe and grab the bed handles.i had one or two big ones...i thought my epidural was wearing off so I hit the button and then called the nurse to tell her about the pressure. They leisurely were making their way in to break my water..that was the plan of what to do next once the antibiotics went in.. but they saw how I was reacting to the pressure…glanced at me…and there was baby’s head! Coming out on her own. They quickly set up and then 2 pushes and screams later baby was out! I felt like a wild woman screaming but they reassured me that those were no “Screams”. Haha.

The nurse wasn't sure what time to put down as "start of labor"…….it just kinda happened! The doctor and nurses were fabulous. They felt like we just got started and boom baby was here. It was incredible and amazing and recovery is going great.She has dark hair!! like her mama! (sophie came out a light brown then turned blonde.)
Sienna's hair is a little coarse like sophie' maybe it'll go curly too!
After her bath her hair sticks straight out! it's awesome. haha.
my mom was there to see her right after she was born!
My mom brought sophie later that morning to meet her little sister for the first time!
and sophia said..."aw she's so key-uteee" she wants to hold her all by herself right we'll have to work on that. she's pretty gentle but she can give some pretty aggressive smoochies. ;)
i missed my sophia so much when we were in the hospital! it was my first night away from her.. she did great with grandma though. i was told they had lots of dance parties with tutu's on their head. ;)
I LOVE the photo in the middle here.... my girls.
i'm so excited i have a blondie and a brunette! fun fun!

grandma lovin' :) my mom has been such a big help! and ben's mom is coming in soon..we can't wait!

sophia asked to say cheese..haha.

She is a great nurser and sleeper…she doesn't cry...i think she has cried twice. ?! 
i'm sure that will change but for now i'm enjoying my angel baby.
feeling so blessed. So in love with my girls. Jand my amazing hubby whose finger is still a tad red from me squeezing it during the pain. Haha. Thanks for the prayers..they were definitely felt.
for those curious about the name... sienna and goretti are both saint names that we think are pretty.and are women who we admire. (st. catherine of sienna and st. maria goretti..look them up if you are interested..they have amazing stories..especially maria goretti.)

ps. the chocolate bars were a hit! the nursing staff said i was their favorite... ;)  they were sooo sweet and friendly..chocolate helps everyone be in a better mood hehe. one of the girls was even so sweet she stopped by my room just to say bye when she was heading out. yay for great nurses.
pss. i also loveee the surprise gift from ben..he ordered one the 'Buckets of Love' that his cousin creates. i love the personal details.. and the container is a great size! (thank you so much jill i love it!!!)

we are heading home this morning!! so excited..and the fact that my mom is there cooking yummy food already is even more exciting. hehe. thanks for sharing in our joy with us! have a great day ladies!
**this was originally posted on tuesday- i'll be posting an update soon. right now just enjoying our girls and time with family. thanks for all the kind words!**


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