Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sophia's "Down Hair"...CRAZY!

Sooooo many people have asked us if we
have ever straightened Sophia's curly CURLY hair..
until today....
Today we decided to show her what
all her vegetable eating had done! ;)
She likes her curly hair..but wants to have "down hair"....aka..long hair. 
I always tell her her hair IS long! it just curls up when it dries!

CRAZY! never again. I mean It's just hair...but part of her personality
that we've come to know is her bouncy wild hair. It felt too bizarre haha.
I suppose this is a glimpse into the teenage years! ;)
I just kept telling her over and over I love your curly hair the best..but look how long it is because you ate your veggies! She was thrilled with herself. but likes her curly hair better. phew.
Thought I would share the momentous moment of the day with you all.


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