Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mama's Losing Her Mind

Been a crazy exhausting 2 weeks..
We all were sick last week with the flu bug that's going around.
not fun. and it took another week to get everyone back to normal.
and by normal I mean just able to function.
I went to put something in the microwave and put it in the freezer.......
That's up there with getting into the shower, partially dressed....

During the Super Bowl I asked what Inning it was......
My brain is a tad fried lately.

:::SCENE :::Two very sweet but very tired babies
taunting each other in the car and "crying":::
Me: "I don't feel human anymore"
 Ben:  "I think I'll walk home" 
hahaha..ahhh. I can laugh now. ;)
Ben and I have this ongoing joke where we will be talking to each other or something and then suddenly be slumped over snoring. haha. (dorks)
The girls are finally sleeping through the night though!
I could count on one hand how many nights sienna in her LIFE has slept straight through the night. And sophia went through this "i'm scared!" phase.
so..we are feeling AWESOME about that.
for those of you who have babies who slept through
the night since they were born..
lie to me. ;)

Don't get me wrong..I LOVE being a mom..
Each stage of parenthood has it's challenges..
Each stage gets easier than the stage before..
The other day I found myself thinking..
I can't wait till they are in high school and they will go out and do stuff on their own..
and then I realized...
So I was content the rest of the day with chasing babies..being chased by babies.. being tackled and then comforting the smaller one who got smooshed by the bigger one during the tackling. 

But I have to admit..
and I'm guessing I'm not the only one..
but there are days as a mom you are being touched non..stop.. someone is pulling on you jumping on you crying on you spitting up something not sure what it is on you...
Luckily..there is such a thing called grace.
and God gives it to you to get through moments like that!
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest.
[I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.](Matthew 11:28, AMP)
We just need to ask for it. and I do... I beg for it some days.. haha..
Because my sweeties have way more energy than me..
and also veryyyyy high pitched crying/laughing sounds. ;) 

Since being featured in Etsy's Newsletter and all over Pinterest I've been swamped with Printable Orders for Valentine's Day. (VERY THANKFUL!) Not a bad problem at all!
But orders were coming in every few minutes for chunks of time....and
working from home has it's advantages
and dissssadvantages.

She's cute but trouble. ;)

Sometimes you have to give up..and PLAY.
I overheard the girls playing with their daddy...Sophia:" You're the fairy Godmother.. I'm the you're the angel..I'm the fairy Godmother..Sienna is the princess."

I would like to consider myself an expert hide and go seeker.....
And tickle monster.
I should add this to my resume.
I also should add.. makes cute babies.
Sienna is a snuggler right now.. and hugger.
I LOVE their hugs.
Even if they do it with a mushed banana in their hand that is getting alllll
over my back/shoulder and I don't realize until the end of the day and no oneeee told me about it.
LOVE them. :)

This post was meant to make you feel AWESOME about your parenting...
or make you realize you are not alone in the beautiful insanity that is motherhood. :)


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