Homemade Goodness vs. Pre-Packaged? Suzy Homemaker Recipes+Giveaway Winner!!
I came across these ideas and thought it would bring such satisfaction..be money saving..and "easier"(sometimes)..to make these things instead of buying them pre-packaged! Some of these are treats that you might not normally splurge on but you can talk yourself into making them at home. hehe. So go on and be a super-mama and try out some of these homemade recipes instead of grabbing them pre-made!
(maybe not the fastest..but i think you will feel awesome about yourself if you make these..haha. it's very suzy homemaker. ;) click the images to get the recipes from these lovely blogs! or check out the links at the bottom.
you should also try the quickest, simplest homemade pizza dough ever.....
or homemade bread that you will LOVE.
congrats christi! i'll be contacting you soon to go over the details of claiming your prize. check out her blog by the way...i've been loving it and so glad i came across it! Thank you to all those who entered..and stay tuned for the next giveaway!