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MY FUNNY GIRLS - Sienna does not lack personality.
this girl is making faces all day..Love her kissy face.
Sophie: "Hey mom! take a picture of me..I'm exercising."
*note the sneakers..summer dress..exercise band..and one glove...she's rocking it.
In the Kitchen - Chicken Pot Pie sounded so good
so I used a recipe from my Pioneer Woman's cookbook.
I loved it. I think next time I won't put in as much cream though.
(it calls for 1 cup cream but also has a butter flour roux.)
Baby #3 Update- Almost 9 weeks. Sick. very..very..sick.
More than my first 2 pregnancies combined and then tripled.
So grateful for my mom..who cleaned out my fridge during her visit. something a sick pregnant mama does NOT want to do. I hold my breath when I open my fridge just because of all the mixed food smells. (I feel crazy) And feeling so blessed by a random dinner drop off from Meg & Mark!! I didn't even know it was coming..so thankful for their kindness!
Sprite is my best friend (or anything bubbly really) I find myself just trying to survive till nap time..and then survive till bed time. haha. Hopefully only a few more weeks of this because I feel completely useless. Trying to remember that there is a crazy amazing miracle of a baby growing super fast in me but wowww.. I'm sick.
I lay on the couch a lot. and I don't know if it's a baby rule..but if they see me sitting/not moving..they must be ON ME. and there is only so much of me...so I end up with one covering their ground on me and the other trying to squeeze on but very unhappy to only get one shoulder. haha. I try and fit in snuggle time with each one. :)
I lay on the couch a lot. and I don't know if it's a baby rule..but if they see me sitting/not moving..they must be ON ME. and there is only so much of me...so I end up with one covering their ground on me and the other trying to squeeze on but very unhappy to only get one shoulder. haha. I try and fit in snuggle time with each one. :)
FIRSTS- (for sienna) Corn on the cob.
.So excited when I saw it at the grocery store!
Playing Movie.. this lasted all of 5 minutes.
and then they moved on to fighting over ONE toy in the entire house FULL of toys... :)
Sound familiar? I'm thinking this is just going to be life with more than one child..hehe.
Sound familiar? I'm thinking this is just going to be life with more than one child..hehe.
Playtime outside.
Some of the youth group kids forked our yard...
Don't worry I made them feel bad they made a pregnant lady and 3 yr old pick them up. ;)
It's hard to be mad when you know a priest helped in the pranking...
Don't worry I made them feel bad they made a pregnant lady and 3 yr old pick them up. ;)
It's hard to be mad when you know a priest helped in the pranking...
A VERY RARE shot of sienna- she's not moving.
I feel like sienna is calming down. I feel like in all my blog posts she is referred to as the wild one. and that's because she IS. but...she is talking a lot now and I think that being able to tell us what she wants is making her more content.. she is just always going to be on an on the go baby. Her favorite thing to say is "no"..and "IwannaGo".. and "sorry"... that sums her up. haha.
Sienna trying to get in on mom and dad hugging..
PARENTING- Just one of those days....
you just have to be content with..they are healthy and dressed.
Grabbed up some discounted flowers right after easter..
can't wait for the cold nights to pass so I can start to garden!
We..meaning sienna.. "lost" the keys.......
Came across this little busy bee and was hoping to find it in her cardboard mailbox..
no luck. probably out with the trash.
Sharing an AMAZING homemade Mac N' Cheese Recipe next post!
It's the best I've ever tried.. you need to know this one..
I wanted to eat the entire pan.
and that's not the pregnancy talking. my husband did too.
(we didn't though. just fyi.)
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