Our Week by iPhone. Get all up in our Business.
Getting through Morning Sickness..is a group effort I guess..haha.
below are the girls "helping" mommy...
Funniest thing I heard today.....
Sophia (3.5) "Mommy when you are
done throwing up I need to pee."
I took these 2 photos the other day..
and I seriously can't stop looking at them I love them so much.
They are now my phone's backdrop.
I reflect on these cute shots when they are
protesting bath/bed/wearing pajamas/sienna having to wear a diaper.......
DIY- Been working up a Felt Board for my girls!
It's a slow but steady process. I needed something crafty and fun to work on.
I have been taking photos and will be sharing easy templates to make your own felt board!
While I was still in bed sienna brought me ONE AT A TIME...each of the felt items.
It gave me a good 5 minutes to not have to get up yet. ;)
So If this wasn't a successful project for them I don't know what is.
more sleep + keeping them busy sounds good to me.
This past weekend was the Pittsburgh Marathon!!
Ben ran in a relay and was there supporting his brother bob's non profit..Dirty Vagabond.
I know some of you donated to his fundraising efforts..so thank you!!
his goal was to hit 3,000 and he just went over that! woohoo!
The girls loved cheering on their daddy..
and ringing the cowbell...(which is now "lost"....oops.) ;)
I have little helpers who come and do my laundry for me....
and then I re do it when they are sleeping.
They love nuns.....and sienna is rocking their nun outfit....they are so cute.
My little snacker.
I think she is going to turn into a pretzel stick.
Parenting Confession - I fed the girls lunch at 10:00 and
did nap time early one day...
It was a great morning. and I will totally do this again.
Been working up lots of printable orders!
Lots of teacher appreciation treat bag tags going out..
baby showers.. and of course birthday parties!
It's been cool seeing how many assistant principals
have been ordering the teacher tags for their staff.
The one below turned out cute I thought..
she was going to fill it with lifesavers for their teachers!
I think those circle gummies could be cute too.
Dress up..this is a typical sophie look.
Favorites mama moments- This sweet moment of them
not moving/eating/crying to eat the same
thing/jumping/needing to pee/not wanting to pee.....lasted 2 minutes.
and I loved it. :)
Been getting more of these sweet moments lately.
They are so cute together.
The days of blow drying and straightening my hair are limited these days...
rocking the dirty hair.. sophia loves it..she goes mama you're hair is curly like minee!!
(notttt really. but yessss.)
Sienna trying to rush sophie's post nap time wake up....
she is feeling risky I guess..this could be dangerous.... ;)
Missing Shannon a lot lately. Sometimes I can feel it bubbling up in me.. just the anger of why did he do it? All the details from the news coverage..and the police reports handed down.. have formed this image in my head of how it happened.. and Sometimes I wish I could have not heard some of the details.. because they are out of a horror movie.
Pray for her soul every night.. for her 2 sweeties.. for her family and friends..for everyone affected by domestic violence. and I pray for him. and for his family. Even though sometimes when I say it..I can't fully come to it..but I'm hoping just saying it..will help me forgive.
Sophie's "mom pose".......
hm. she has got me down pat I think.
Eating the requested SHREDDED cheese before bed..
because eating string cheese would be way too easy.......................
Hope you all had a great weekend..and week so far!
Been loving these moments with the girls..they are a fun age. exhausting age.. but fun!
and sienna is talking up a storm right now. she says the funniest things.
Sophie has been full of funny things too lately... EXAMPLE: the other day
a guy walks by with SUPER SHORT shorts on.. he looked like he did steroids/body builder.. hugeee old man. and tinyyyy shorts. I know..I was confused too...
Sophie: "Daddy..where are those guys pants?" hahaha... ooh we were glad we were in the car so we didn't have to deal with that one.
And PS..I'll be sharing the felt board soon.
even though it's a work in progress..so many ideas still of things to make!
Sophie requested the castle..now a princess is needed... and a prince. (of courrse.)
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