Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pray for Baby Max

I recently found out that some friends of my husband and i were asking for prayers for their newborn son Max. Dave and Amber are an amazing witness to ben and i of their holiness and faithfullness in God through these tough times... 
I asked dave if I could share his post from his blog on mine..
I ask that you just take one minute out of your day to say a prayer for Baby Max and for the continued strength of his parents. I pray that they may have peace throughout all of this and give them the grace to trust in God and his plan for them. 
"Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

On Wednesday afternoon my wife and I were told by doctors that our new baby, Maximillian Elijah VanVickle, (born august 16th 2 months early) has substantial brain damage on both sides of his tiny little brain. The doctor said that from what he and his team can see Max is likely to have cerebral palsy and has a high likelyhood that it will be severe. While describing the disease he mentioned the possibility of things like crutches, wheel chairs, and braces which is obviously horrifying to a parent.  The doctor also said that there is no cure…
What the doctor should have said is that medicine cannot cure little Max’s brain damage but we know that Max can be cured by The Healer of healers. My wife and I believe firmly in the God of miracles and I ask you now to join with us in praying to the God of miracles, the Healer of healers that little Max will be healed if it be God’s will. Remember to pray with confident expectation. I ask that you would bring this intention to your families, bible studies, prayer groups and parishes.  "

I have seen first hand the power of please pass this along. i have a button for you to grab if you want to post it in a blog post or on your sidebar. Thank you!

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