Sunday, February 3, 2013

iPhone Dump - Get all up in our Business

Life is moving in super speed it seems...
A typical day seems to fill up without even trying!
We start off with a baby party all night.. Which leaves me in a morning coma so I put micah on the floor to giggle & wiggle around...which leads me to realize I need to vacuum and then I start cleaning our crazy house. (photo proof of the craziness below)
And while I'm cleaning I find the girls' hidden snacks from the day before which reminds me they need to eat something other than pretzel sticks.. go to make them something and realize how behind I am on the dishes...happy playing kids so start to clean it but am interrupted by a hungry 11 week old.. who I soon realize has pooped out of his outfit so I take it to put in the wash and there realize how much laundry I have so I put a load in....
And the busy day to day activities continue.
The typical mom cycle. haha. It's called survival mode.
Some days I have plans..and get things done..other days..I don't. :)

My husband has given me some much needed breaks though..
Yesterday I went completely solo to target and chick-fil-a...o ya.
And I met a new blog friend for lunch at Panera earlier this week.
Sweet Kacia from Coconut and Robot. So excited she jumped on board to help
me plan a Blogger Meet n' Greet for the Ohio Valley Area
Meal wise making up lots of Freezer Crock Pot Meals.
The Pulled Pork is for sure one of my favorites.
Made it for sandwiches for 2 meals.. and then tacos for a 3rd
(yes it's that good to eat 3 times ;)

Yesterday's Target Haul. 
I thought micah might appreciate sleeping on boy sheets.
Grabbed up another pack of swaddles for my sanity..
and spoiled myself on the planner that I had been eyeing for a while. It went on sale! ;)

Baby Giggles.
You're welcome.

A Favorite Recipe in our house.. Chicken Parm.
My girls love chicken.. I don't make this often but it's always a hit
and gives us sandwiches the next day! Sienna at this for breakfast once.. silly girl.
The photo to the right is before the mozzarella and sauce. yummy!

Ben and I (+micah) had a
hot date night to Giant Eagle.
It's a luxury grocery shopping together without kids.. I know you agree.

Sophie: "Look Mom I dressed up Micah like a pirate!"
Sorry little man.. so sorry.

CRAFT TIME- Did some Valentine's day DIY-ing this week!
Shared the photos of our little Photo Session Here!

My little bear. He is seriously getting cuter every day.
I love kissing his little chubby cheeks.

LITTLE MOMMIES- I keep finding sienna with my nursing cover.
Once I overheard her say "Monkey, wanna nurse?"
She also helps SO MUCH by pulling out all the wipes
and folding them nicely in a pile........

BABY BURRITO- This is how I'm getting him to
finally calm down at night and sleep in his crib.
It keeps him from those baby flailing moves while he sleeps.
He likes being snuggy. :)

Baby Date Night.
Earlier this week we went to our friends' house for dinner and a game night.
These two love birds......

Micah is ALL BOY. He passes gas every time I change him.
which is kinda scary.....
I have been pooped on more times than I would like to admit.
Our laundry pile is proof of that.
 Below is a happy baby proud of his latest diaper blow out.

And Here's proof of a messy house.
Keeping it real.
The girls said the cleaned it..I came to do the final touches. ;)

PARENTING 101- I might have used a Wendy's frosty
as bribery for my girls to get them to nap one day...
Parenting 101 awesomeness.
I also let them dress themselves that day.. little fashionistas.

BABY #3- This is how we change diapers in our house.

BABY PARTY- This is micah at midnight...........

SISTERLY LOVE- Wrestling turned snuggle time.
I think Sophie won?

Hope you have a nice Sunday!
We are having some friends over to watch the Super Bowl.
Not a huge fan for either team..
for me it's all about the food, commercials and Beyonce. ;)
We are doing fondue at our party! Excited to see the girls try it for the first time...
Not so excited about the possible mess. ;)
Thanks for stopping by!


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